Today is “Blue Monday” apparently. According to statistics, the Monday of the last full week in January is a day when everyone feels unhappy, sad and depressed. You have nothing to look forward, no doubt you have received your credit card bill paying for Christmas, are still panicking over completing your tax returns for January 31st and are regretting signing up to a “Dry January” scheme.
Well Folks: I’m not depressed, grumpy or sad today. Luckily it was a beautiful winter day with blue sky sun, although it was cold! I am looking forward to the days getting slightly longer; already it is getting darker later which is great. I’m looking forward to some great events I’ve planned with my family and friends, as well as some great TV and books to read. And, um, it’s also my birthday this week – which I’m very excited about.
Even though it was Blue Monday today, I went for a great 2 mile walk; I heard the birds singing; enjoyed getting some fresh air in my lungs and seeing some impressive views over the rolling chalk hills in my part of Hertfordshire. I was really busy today, but it was invaluable to get out and get some exercise and fresh air. Tonight: after delivering a webinar for an excellent business coach, I will be enjoying a couple of TV programmes.
So why aren’t I grumpy or depressed today? I am perfectly normal, and feel grumpy like everyone else occasionally. But I am not going to be told when to be depressed! Yes: I’m sure that if the weather wasn’t so stunning today (in other words a very gloomy, grey day) I would have been more grumpy. But I would probably have gone to the gym, or still gone for a walk to get some exercise. The fact is that we do have to work and live on days that are dull and gloomy as well as sunny. Of course it is more difficult to motivate yourself when it is gloomy weather – and having a day called “Blue Monday” doesn’t help. BUT you have a choice: do you hibernate (and believe it or not there are gloomy days when I want to do just that) or get on with it? I doubt if great entrepreneurs say “Oh it’s Blue Monday, I’m not doing anything today!”
So here are my top tips for getting your MOJO on Blue Monday or the rest of January.
- Plan some good events; whether this is arranging to go and see a film – there are some great films out at the moment, or planning to meet someone for coffee.
- Pick up the phone (or Skype) and catch up with with a friend. Perhaps you could arrange that drink you have been talking about!
- Do some exercise. The endorphins from exercising are a great pick me up. Whether you go for a brisk walk, swim, gym or other exercise, I guarantee you’ll feel better afterwards.
- Instead of focusing on New Year’s resolutions you have already broken, plan out how you are going to achieve your goals this year.
- Tidy up and throw out some rubbish: whether this is your in-tray or a kitchen cupboard, you will feel better when you have done this.
- Why not do the “Beat the Monday Blues” challenge: be nice and kind to people today. Now that will make you feel better!