for accessing this resource. Here are additional articles, information and thoughts about breaking the Bias. And please, if you would like to discuss anything, do drop me an email.
Tech company reviews using AI for recruitment.
The Harvard Unconscious Bias Test
A thought provoking TED talk about the unconscious bias we all have.
Dark Cockpit podcast interview with Emil Dobrovolschi, airline pilot about how he creates an inclusive team.
BBC article on the bias of hiring on potential for some candidates.
Article on breaking the bias at work
We learn from our failures. Listen to “How to Fail” podcast with Elizabeth Day interviewing famous people about their failures. HERE
Being aware of the language we use that impacts bias against individuals
Dispelling the sexist myths and stereotypes.
Article on how Twitter taught an AI algorithm to be racist in a day HORRIFYING
Article in The Times on 17th March 2022, of how AI assessed make up artists’ skills and sacked them.
The art of Choosing – TED Talk By Sheena Lyengar
Recommended reading:
Thinking Fast and Slow: Daniel Kahneman The psychology of making decisions
Rebel Ideas: Matthew Syed – the power of having a diverse team
The End of Bias – how we change minds Jessica Nordell
The Authority Gap, why women are still taken less seriously than men and what we can do about it. Mary Ann Siegart
Delusions of Gender By Cordelia Fine an ‘old’ book in neuroscience terms but dispels myths about male and female brains working in different ways