This month I was interviewed by an amazing entrepreneur and Angel investor, Oliver Dowson, who hosts an inspirational podcast called “Growth through International Expansion” We focused on the Accent Softening services, and in particular speaking with clarity and confidence when speaking Business English; a service I deliver for businesses.
Here are details of the podcast and an accompanying article by Oliver Dowson.

The wonderful point about this interview is that Oliver TOTALLY understood the service I offer, and also the value this provides for clients. He has worked internationally for years and whether you like it or not, English is the language of business. Being able to make a
People often consider ‘Accent Softening’ or ‘Elocution’ lessons snobby; suggesting individuals should have these sessions could be awkward or too personal to bring up as a career target; or that an accent is part of your personal brand and shouldn’t be altered. I agree that the old fashioned idea of elocution is outdated and in some cases quite insulting. However, when others find it difficult to understand you, and have to work hard to have a conversation with you – inevitably they switch off. Which is AWFUL! It is so important to be able to speak with clarity and confidence when speaking Business English.
The accent Softening work I do is with successful individuals who speak Business English as their non-native tongue. It empowers individuals to speak Business English with confidence and clarity. They might be very fluent in English, however:
- Their accent might be very strong making it hard for other people to understand them
- As a result they don’t make a positive impact in meetings – which is a real shame as they always have something valuable to say
- They might be fluent in English but their knowledge of business English might not be strong
- Their confidence might be knocked.
There are many positives from investing in training individuals in this area. I always recommend saying to individuals “We all value what you say; we want to support you to make it easier to engage with your audience”. And when I work with people individually, invariably they say that they have worked hard individually, and are so grateful for the opportunity to develop their skills in Business English as well as building up their confidence.

Here are some things I do with individuals – and I should mention that this is not TEFL: the clients need to have a good understanding of English already.
- Pronunciation of specific sounds
- Rhythm of English and how to speak clearly
- Widening of vocabulary
- Non-verbal communication; gestures and facial expressions that can assist in making yourself understood
- Role play with conversations
- Building up confidence
- Interactive learning
- Speak with clarity and confidence
As well as working with individuals face to face, I deliver workshops in businesses, and virtual training which is CPD accredited.
I would be delighted to discuss your training needs. Contact me or book a call (details below) so we can chat about your requirements.