Last week I was prompted to respond to a fabulous blog written by the wonderful Laura Robinson, entitled “Why is writing so much harder than speaking?” Of course I work with a lot of people to build up their skill set, experience and confidence to ensure they find speaking ‘easier’, so this blog title was intriguing.
As a result Laura invited me to be interviewed for a video, on tips for speaking. And in particular, speaking on a ‘Facebook Live’. Here is the video interview.
For more about Laura’s work here is her website. You will be able to join her Facebook group which is very lively!
In the interview I shared some great tips for preparing yourself before a Facebook Live; the actual video and afterwards. Here are five tips:
- Prepare what you are going to say. Don’t just think of a topic but what the main points are.
- Consider a great introduction to grab the attention of the audience.
- Plan a good ‘call to action’ or ending
- Practice what you are going to say, either in front of a mirror or video yourself on your phone and critique
- Check what is going on in the background before you start speaking and videoing.
There are loads more tips, so watch the video!
Speaking, like writing is a fabulous way to communicate. With writing you can edit before you send something out, but with speaking, if you are in free flow, it isn’t possible to edit – unless you have planned before. We all know people who we wish had ‘edited’ what they were going to say when hogging the time in a meeting. The best people have planned the topics they wish to talk about; adding focus and clarity to their message. A great tip!