Susan Heaton-Wright was delighted to be invited back to Engel Jones’s fabulous podcast 12 Minute Conversations #12minconvos. In twelve minutes we packed in a great deal of content. Including:
- How the voice alone doesn’t lead to charisma
- That some of the quietest people have the most charisma
- Some information regarding the difference between introverts and extroverts
- The power of planning what you will say – even if this is a 3 point, 30 second note prior to a meeting
- That improving your listening skills to allow other people to speak is essential for any leader
- Life is about compromise
you can listen to the episode here;
Remember, you don’t have to be the loudest person in the room to make an impact. Charisma isn’t about being the loudest person in the room, but the one with the most impact and presence in a conversation.
Do you wish to make more impact when you speak or have conversations? Do you realise that any conversation has two components: the person speaking and those who are listening. We all know of people – and have experienced conversations where someone wishes to dominate a conversation: Perhaps they:
- Speak over other people
- Ignore other people’s opinions
- Undermine other people’s opinions and presence
- Interrupt others
- Never listen to others
- Only listen to come up with their own response rather than to listen to another opinion
It is very frustrating when we are in a meeting or business conversation when there is someone who dominates the conversation or who doesn’t listen.
In other posts I will be discussing ways to manage this as a leader. However, there are occasions when this person genuinely believes no one has any ideas because they don’t say anything! Or what they say isn’t very clear or impactful. Let’s ensure you are able to speak with charisma and presence.
Why not grab our Presentation Tips. We’d love you to answer a couple of questions, so we are keeping our content relevant. Grab it here: