I have to share with you a recent success I had as a result of picking up the phone, resulting in a deal for work. It is really easy to think “Oh they haven’t responded to my email response” that a potential client isn’t interested, but this is often not the case.
I was contacted via my website, for some speaking work. I responded within 24 hours, by email, as I was on holiday. I heard nothing. I responded again when I returned from holiday; again by email, but had no response. ‘Strange’ I thought! I decided to bite the bullet and call, since the enquiry included a phone call. Normally I call people when they put a phone number – but this didn’t initially happen due to me being away.
When I spoke to the lady, it became evident that she hadn’t, in fact received my emails. We had a great conversation; I sent relevant information related to our discussion and within 24 hours had confirmed a speaking engagement. This would not have happened, had I not picked up the phone, or had continued to email, hoping for a response.
It is really easy for us to make excuses for not receiving a response; hiding behind “Oh they aren’t interested” little voices. Yet there are occasions where the other person might not have received your email; it might have gone into ‘spam’; they might have been away, busy, or something might have come in that they have to focus on. Or, they might have forgotten!!! In my case the email address was a dodgy one and my emails must have gone into spam or somewhere. Since she had contacted other speakers too and hadn’t had a response, I suspect she has a full spam folder!
Why I am sharing this story is that as a result of me maintaining the communication, rather than giving up when I hadn’t had a response, is an important lesson. Of course I don’t mean calling or emailing on a daily basis: and I currently have a ‘cold’ email sequence I am receiving on a daily basis with the “Have you had my last email” for a service I don’t want, but a reasonable follow up. Following up with emails AND phone calls is effective, and acknowledging that the other person is busy but to provide another touch point to remind them you are still available for work!
So do pick up the phone as part of your follow up process for work. As I show, it really works!
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