Before any speaking appearance for politicians, whether it be a meet and greet, meeting constituents, speaking in the house or delivering election media discussions, preparation is required.
After hearing the car crash interview with Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett, it has highlighted how important preparation before ANY appearance is crucial. In this week’s Superstar Communicator Podcast, I share top tips to ensure any budding politician is prepared.
Among other things, my three top tips are:
- Prepare 3 messages you want to get across
- If necessary have specific information (such as facts and figures) on hand, so you can refer to them if there is discussion
- Know who you are going to be speaking to
And remember: during the election run up, we are doing lots of blogs, podcasts and google hangouts. We will all learn from the politicians, so to find out more and to get involved register here.
And remember, it isn’t just politicians that have to prepare before speaking: preparation is key to success!