At the beginning of the year, there is so much to look forward to. In my case, there were lots of exciting plans in place in my calendar. But things aren’t always straight forward: you have to adapt to challenges thrown in your way and adjust accordingly. This is all part of being a business owner and although this is cliched, it does build you up.
In January, I was waiting for my first appointment for a seriously damaged shoulder, when I slipped and fractured my wrist. I was in significant pain and only had use of one hand and no driving for months. But here’s the learning: reach out to your clients and your support staff. I am lucky enough to have an excellent team who work for me: they were able to take over some duties. I also told clients and we found ways of delivering content in other ways. I created videos; delivered virtual workshops with one hand (I warned everyone that the slides and polls would be slow). But guess what; it still worked. Being transparent and honest when there is a challenge is essential.
In March I was so lucky to travel to UAE to work with clients and speak at a conference. I was still in a lot of pain with very restricted movement in my shoulder. It was fantastic meeting and working with so many people. But when I arrived home I discovered my beloved Dad had died when I was away. I had more work in Belfast 3 days after; I told the client my Dad had died after I had finished, with my lovely client saying “Your Dad would be very proud that you delivered outstanding content despite being broken hearted”.
People understand when you explain that you’ve lost a parent; I am so grateful to my clients who gave me the time to grieve. Another lesson is that clients who really value you will still be there. However, in all cases I gave alternatives if they required Again, being honest and transparent is the best approach.
As well as working with amazing clients in UK and around the world, I have also been more involved in launching leadership programmes within the Pharmaceutical sector. This is a genuine honour and meeting talented emerging leaders around the world is such an inspiration.
And I am doing more speaking (yah!) It is so wonderful to be back in the room with audiences. Since the pandemic started, most of my work has been virtual. We are able to connect virtually and I have many clients and business all over the world whom I have met virtually. However, I am positively welcoming being back in the room again.
The SuperStar Communicator podcast now has a co-host: Nick Simon. Nick was already assisting with the technical side of the podcast. We both discussed the value of having a younger co-presenter to add value to the discussions and it was the right decision. As ever we have had some truly inspirational guests who have challenged and informed us. Listen to the podcast episodes here. We particularly love it when the live streams are being watched and the audiences ask questions. More of this in 2024.
The masterclasses, facilitating workshops: face to face and virtual, as well as the coaching we deliver face to face, in the studio and online focusing on spoken communication, personal impact and influence continue to grow.
I also created a 30 day SuperStar Communicator planner: with 30 challenges to improve your communication skills. You can purchase it here.
In October, I was the head judge for the “Speaker Factor” an annual speaking competition for newish speakers within the Professional Speaking Association. It was great to see emerging talent and to work with two other exceptional speakers. We made the right choice. However, despite making it very clear that we were unable to discuss our decisions or give feedback, there was some disappointing behaviour from individuals which was hardly professional.
- A contestant yelling across the room “Yay, judge lady I want a word with you” – her speech was about empowering female leadership….
- Another contestant asking for feedback in front of a third party, only when I said we don’t give feedback the third party said “she was very upset”
- A board member of the PSA saying I had made the wrong decision because I was an introvert and wouldn’t appreciate more dynamic performances. Not only were there 3 judges, but with my background, experience and expertise it was a ridiculous comment
- A finalist who contacted the organiser 2 weeks afterwards to complain that he’d been told he was disqualified but he didn’t go over time so why had this happened. He had gone over time; the timings were verified by 3 independent people but this didn’t affect the overall result because he wasn’t in the running for it.
The reason why I mention this is is because it can appear, as a member of the audience, that the judges have made the wrong mistake, or have been influenced by their own biases. However, we saw the speeches twice; had in place a way of challenging our unconscious biases. We also considered the criteria for the competition. It wasn’t a talent competition or popularity competition but based on criteria. My tips for doing any competition are to see what the criteria are; as well as being aware that if you are asked not to hassle the judges, you shouldn’t….
We have a number of very exciting plans for 2024. And we will be revealing these next year!
This reflection is not a ‘poor me’ newsletter but one of learning.
- Recognise that however challenging life is professionally or personally, there are others who will support you.
- Have a good team around you who could take over some responsibilities: you are supporting their professional development too.
- Be honest with your clients if you need to modify what you are delivering or there is a delay due to bereavement or illness. The clients that are really worth it will understand but you need to TELL them and be very transparent.
- Review where your time is being spent. If you are wasting time; volunteering for too many hours without any ROI; members of organisations you aren’t using or even software you are no longer using, ask whether you need to make adjustments.
- And lastly look after yourself. You are no use to anyone else if you are unwell, exhausted or overstresses. Self care should be a priority.
- Have a vision for the future; one that is easier and better. Keep focused on that.