Since 2016 I have delivered speeches and virtual workshops for CII local institutes. I am delighted to have been a preferred speaker for the Chartered Institute of Insurance and have been speaking at Institutes all over UK – face to face and virtually. My area of expertise is communication; and specifically empowering individuals and teams to speak and communicate effectively in all business situations.
From working with businesses all over the world, I am aware that good communication aides more efficient working; building trust with clients and with colleagues. My background is that I am a former opera singer who has studied neuroscience and performance. Having worked with many incredible clients I have developed topics, speeches and courses relevant to your work to ensure your Power Skills are outstanding.
Here are some of the topics I regularly deliver:
- Virtual Presentation Skills
- Networking for Success
- Leading Hybrid Teams for success
- Break the Bias: understanding why we stereotype others and how we can make better decisions
- Raising your visibility for career success
- Having difficult conversations
- Assertiveness skills
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to market the content I deliver and to ensure the whole learning process is of a high quality for your local institute.
- There is information on content and outcomes in the material – it is easy for you to market the course
- Clear outcomes are included in the slides
- Slides from the workshop sent after the event for CII regulations
- There are blended learning materials included for many of the courses, for additional learning
If you would like to discuss specific topics or would like to book my speaking services: please email he***@su*******************.com or