We are finalists in the Exporter of the Year, for the FSB East of England Business Awards. We are thrilled to have been shortlisted.

l am delighted to lIet you know that we have been shortlisted as finalists in the FSB Business Awards for the East of England. Specifically the categories that we have been shortlisted are Exporter of the year and sole trader free freelancer of the year
It is an absolute honour to be shortlisted for these awards. There are so many incredible businesses in the East of England and for Superstar Communicator to have been picked from all of the entries for these particular categories is brilliant and I’m overwhelmed.
Let’s talk about the sole trader/ freelancer of the year. People might not realise that the Superstar Communicator business model is that of a sole trader. I am a sole trader but I use freelance staff and specialist associates in my work. There are a number of reasons why I’ve decided to maintain this business model rather than go down the limited company route but it is one that works for me and my clients trust me and know that they will have the very best quality. Looking at the list of the other businesses they are all absolutely incredible and I fully appreciate that for all businesses it is a very challenging time so I believe this is a celebration for us all.
The second category is exporter of the year for four or five years part of the business strategy of Superstar Communicator is to do more business overseas. Before I did work sorry before the pandemic when everything went into lockdown I did a little bit of work overseas. I would travel and deliver speeches or facilitate workshops overseas and that was absolutely brilliant and the aim was that I was going to do more of that. However the pandemic hit and there was no travel at all but I developed a lot of work and was delivering a significant about of work virtually to companies all over the world and now this is very much part of the business model of superStar Communicator. Of course I love travelling and delivering work, but a lot of companies are still wanting virtual especially since I’ve established myself as someone who’s able to deliver virtual content in a very engaging way.
The ceremony for the awards it is in is in March and as luck would have it I’m over in Dubai working! I couldn’t believe it! However I’m going to make sure that the organisers know because I want to make sure that there are aware of the irony.
It is a wonderful ceremony. I was there last year and it’s at Newmarket racecourse and you overlook the racecourse. It’s a day of celebration; a wonderful event with some absolutely incredible businesses. So thank you very much and also thank you to all of my clients because it’s only through me having wonderful clients that I’m able to carry on with the business have my freelance staff and also associates so that we can grow.
lastly I would like to say that if you are thinking about applying for an award , there are a number of really good awards where you don’t have to pay huge amounts of money to apply but you can put in your application. It’s a chance to really reflect on how you’re getting on in the business and if you are short listed, it’s a huge boost.