I was really surprised to see that David Cameron has refused to do a head to head TV debate with Ed Milliband, the leader of the opposition. Why? The only debate with David Cameron, our Prime Minister, will be with 5 other political leaders, and will be more of a ‘Bun Fight’ to get a message across.
The TV debates are pure drama; anyone that saw the last set of debates, where Nick Clegg left the other two leaders standing at the starting line, will realise that this form of communication is very powerful. Personally, I believe it is going to be more of a struggle for Cameron to make his mark in the only debate he is appearing in.
Why has he – and his advisors, decided not to do a head to head with Milliband? Do they feel his debating skills are weak and Miliband’s are stronger? Or are the Conservative messages not strong enough? Only time will tell, but I am personally disappointed this won’t take place. After every TV debate, there is analysis of ‘who won’ the debate and also the impact on the audience – and ultimately the electorate. I wonder if Cameron isn’t confident he’d win. I don’t know. What do you think?
But whatever we think, Cameron will be known as a politician who avoided the TV debate!