Most people realise that building business relationships is more than just connecting on social media. In this week’s Superstar Communicator podcast, Amanda Brown from Alterra Consulting shares her top tips to developing business relationships from online to offline. Listen to the podcast here.
Amanda Brown is the Managing Director of Alterra Consulting: working with businesses to develop more presence on line, through blogs, email marketings and connecting via social media. However, Amanda is fully aware that her clients provide professional services, and in order for them to develop trust with potential customers, they MUST have a more ‘human’, off line conversation. A lot of her work is focused on moving business relationships from an initial online one, to offline connections – via telephone conversations, face to face connections and Skype/other real time platforms.
Amanda shares 3 top tips to moving your connections from online to offline.
Listen to the podcast here.
The podcast is full of content and her three top tips are:
- Being prepared when you reach out for off line conversations. Set an agenda and the time (duration) you will be having the conversation. Do your homework on the person you are speaking to.
- Relax; if you look anxious, or if your VOICE sounds anxious, the person you are speaking to is going to this up!
- Listen very carefully to the other person; you will learn a lot from what they say, and take your time when asking other questions. If you are too busy thinking about what you are going to say next, you might miss some invaluable information the other person is saying.
Listen to the podcast here.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing your successes in Building business relationships offline.