It is so much easier to discover your MOJO if you are relaxed and comfortable; if you are wearing something uncomfortable; feel self conscious because you are wearing something revealing, or the WRONG clothes, it will be reflected in your body language, voice and performance. In the latest Superstar Communicator Podcast I share some top tips to ensuring you feel fantastic and really have your MOJO when you are public speaking, doing presentations and meeting others. Listen to the podcast
It is easy to be put off, feel uncomfortable or self conscious by what you are wearing. If you have a new pair of shoes on, that you aren’t used to walking onto a platform on – in front of other people, it can make you (or certainly me) feel very awkward. Ditto if you KNOW you have a ladder in your tights and although it isn’t visible, there’s only a matter of time…
I sang at the premier of a new piece of choral work a number of years ago. The skirt I wore had a slit up the side, and I was unaware that it was so revealing when I bought it. But being on a stage, higher than the audience, I became more self conscious as the concert progressed. Even worse, the newspaper critic said that what I wore put him off the music… I learnt my lesson; not only that I should check what I wear but also to feel totally comfortable in what I wear because it does affect your MOJO. Listen to the podcast
To summarise the podcast, my tips are:
- check in the mirror what you look like – is it revealing? Uncomfortable?
- Wear in any new shoes and practice wearing them.
- Check what the dress code is – you don’t want to do a “Legally Blonde” and turn up as a Bunny, thinking a party is fancy dress!
- Check what you look like when you are sitting. Are you revealing too much? or need a longer skirt?
Have you had any embarrassing situations or tips you would like to share? Do share below. let’s make sure we all have our MOJO when we speak