For the last few months, team have had to work virtually; and other team members have been furloughed. We are now in a position where many people are returning to work. However, many people are either reluctant or frightened to travel back in to the main city centres, or in fact companies are keeping their offices closed and getting their staff to work remotely.

This is the reality for many teams; the challenges are people not being close physically AND blending those who are returning from being furloughed with individuals who have worked throughout the lockdown. Coupled with the worries of winning new business; keeping in touch with clients and keeping everyone motivated in this new way of working.
Typical concerns of leaders are:
- How to maintain the team connections
- Work efficiently and effectively from remote locations and with hybrid teams
- How to blend those who are working in the office with those working remotely so they work effectively
- Bringing those team members who have been furloughed ‘Up to speed’ with remote working
- How quickly we can get up to speed with working in this way.
- How can we train people quickly and efficiently so it doesn’t take too much time
Since March 2020, I have been delivering virtual workshops to clients all over the world, supporting them to work effectively and easily in hybrid and remote work situations. The

I have received much acclaim for the virtual workshops and virtual training including these fabulous feedback messages from attendees.

The interactive virtual workshops are 60 to 90 minutes of training with blended learning material carefully curated to support you in developing your teams. Any virtual workshop includes:
- Planning meeting to ensure clear outcomes are included in the workshop
- Pre-training material sent to the team to engage them before the training
- 60 – 90 minute virtual training/workshop as per the agreement
- Very interactive virtual session with attendees being actively encouraged to participate and share their ideas
- Clear outcomes from the training
- Access to blended learning material for further learning
- Post training meeting to discuss the outcomes and other requirements
This is a very efficient training option for your virtual hybrid team with very clear and impactful outcomes.
If you would like to discuss booking a workshop for your team please contact us or Book a chat