Why is the Business English training we offer is different ESOL offered by some companies.What is Business English compared to ESOL courses available? There are a number of companies who offer English classes, and for many people, they go on to take SELT (Secure English Language Testing), to get a UK passport or work visa.
There is some great coaching and training out there in the English Language. English is the international language of business. And many people learn English at school, or even by watching the TV! I know a number of extremely talented individuals: executives and business owners, who arrived in UK to work – from Europe as well as other parts of the world, with minimal English.
Now these wonderful people, without exception, are incredible, hardworking individuals who recognised that their spoken and written English was letting them down, to the extent that it was impacting their progress at work. These were ambitious skilled individuals who knew that their understanding and fluency in Business English was impeding their career progress.

Here are some facts about English being taught in some schools:
- The vocabulary taught in schools and TEFL is largely for everyday living: being about to order and buy items in the chemist; directions to the post office; even buying a return ticket on the train! However, this is unlikely to prepare anyone for work in a professional environment, where Business English is a requirement rather than basic ESOL.
- The Vocabulary everyone picks up on TV programmes is quite wide. I always applaud my clients who have learnt English in this way. And certainly there are both radio and TV programmes I recommend my executive and professional listen to, for developing knowledge of vocabulary and use of Business English. However, quite often we are all attracted to drama / and children’s programmes when we are even subconsciously learning English. There could be gaps in our vocabulary and inappropriate ways of speaking English (I am being polite!) from watching TV programmes. It is a very good foundation, but like many aspects of professional life, we have to refine what we to to be great!
- Some English for the Workplace or ESOL courses focus on either reaching the standard to pass the SELT examination, or to be employable for more basic jobs. This is very important and we all want to support talented people at every level. In particular, these courses are focused on passing the exam or having a conversation for job interviews. There is a place for this training. However, this is unlikely to prepare you for a more senior role.
- The English language is not exclusively about the language: we all want to be listened to and understood, and I believe it is so important to speak in such a way that it is AS EASY FOR OTHERS TO LISTEN TO YOU. I also say this to people who speak English as their first language. So having some focus on pronunciation, pauses, emphasis on words etc is very much part of the Business English we coach and train. And isn’t the focus of ESOL courses.
- But there are also local saying or idioms: it sounds crazy to say “it’s raining cats and dogs!” but this is one of many sayings people have! Likewise our facial expressions and gestures play a part in communication and we are able to guide our clients in using these in a positive way to ensure you are understood.
Our Business English Courses are focused on the following:
- Being able to speak confidently with a wide range of business or commercial vocabulary in a professional, senior or executive role.
- Being able to conduct ‘small talk’ which is part of business development.
- Being able to speak clearly; in particular understanding pronunciation and the specific rhythm of the English language and the secrets to making your speech easy to understand.
- Non-verbal communication, which is crucial to good communication; body language, gestures and facial expressions.
- Developing a good knowledge of business vocabulary and idioms
- Understanding ‘small talk’
- Managing your fear. We all get nervous and it could be that you are nervous because you are speaking in your non-native tongue. We share techniques that can support you to be less nervous and to get more confident!
Unlike other courses, our training is tailored for the client: both the outcomes and current challenges. We have courses available for individuals and for teams.
Business English This is a 5 hour one to one course where we work on specific areas of your spoken and/or written English based on your targets and outcomes. The course is virtual and you have additional access to learning resources and the recordings from the live coaching sessions.
Business English Webinars we have Business English live webinar series; virtual workshops and also evergreen webinars for you to book for your clients.
Business English Masterclasses and workshops We have a variety of learning services for groups:
book a chat to discuss different options